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A Panel Discussion on Mobile Credentials

Panel Discussion on Mobile Credentials

This panel shares the challenges they each overcame as they launched a mobile credential on their campuses. This is an opportunity to hear first-hand about their experiences as you consider and plan to go mobile. Hear stories of when and how they began their journeys toward mobile and what they learned along the way.

Melanie Chambless, Auburn University
Nick Alexander, Cal State Northridge 
Melissa Battle, University of North Carolina Charlotte 
Melissa Neidigh, University of Montana

Event Chat

Jorrun Liston : We will begin shortly! We are recording this presentation and will post it to naccuTV.

Jen McDonald – McMaster University : Some of us still are lol

Celeste Atkinson – McMaster University : Sounds very familiar

Paul Schantz (he/him/his) | CSUN : That sounds horrible, Melissa. I always say that a good project manager is worth their weight in gold.

Jennifer Carman : Do any of the panelist have readers on dorm bedrooms?

Melissa Neidigh – University of Montana : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

Coming soon for UM in the next year.

Melissa Battle : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

We do not, but they use it for access control to access residence halls.

Melanie Chambless : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

Not at the bedroom level yet here at Auburn, but we’re looking to do so for all new construction.

Jennifer Carman : Do any of the panelists have issues with ID Card sharing since you allow both type of credential? (Card and Mobile)

Kim Pfeffer [she|her] : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

EXCELLENT QUESTION – something we are wondering about as well.

Melissa Neidigh – University of Montana : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

We do not allow a student to have both.

Kim Pfeffer [she|her] : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

If/when our time comes, we will not allow an individual to have both.

Melanie Chambless : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

We do, but in other systems we limit to one or the other. For example. the Athletics system will only take the mobile while Dining may allow for both just for ease of use for purchasing meals.

Karen Lyall : Replying to “Do any of the pane…”

Yes, in our new building

Steven Cheng : What kind of system are you using for Mobile Credentials?

Kim Pfeffer [she|her] : For the panelists (or others who are moving to mobile) – what was the tipping point that got your project moving forward? Was it the push by the students??

Melissa Neidigh – University of Montana : Replying to “For the panelists (o…”

Our tipping point was that two different vice presidents had students attending other colleges that had a mobile credential and wanted to know if I could “flip that flag” as well.

Eric Christensen : Replying to “What kind of system …”

Currently we are using HID’s mobile credential platform. However, we are reviewing RFP’s for a “OneCard” solution. Companies like Atrium, ITC Systems, TouchNet, Transact.

From Steven Cheng : Replying to “What kind of system …”

At UVA, we currently have CS Gold for everything including access control and meal/SVC plans.

Monica Seko : Has anyone had pushback from their Campus Police about keeping the plastic card versus the mobile credential?

Kim Pfeffer [she|her] : Replying to “Has anyone had pushb…”

As we have begun discussing this the question was asked b/c of concerns regarding “stolen/lost phones” but when I gave them the data on the number of cards we replace in a year vs. their number of lost/stolen phone cases, they saw that our numbers were significantly higher and their concern disappeared.

Melissa Neidigh – University of Montana : Replying to “Has anyone had pushb…”

Our Police Dept did not pushback at all, and some of the officers were part of our pilot project

Jennifer Carman : We require students to fill out a survey in person if we approve a physical card. (We are Mobile First) This way we can address their concerns going forward.

Laura Callahan : Replying to “Has anyone had pushb…”

Great question on the change management process.

Jen McDonald – McMaster University : Replying to “We require students …”

Can you share the survey questions?

Ashley Thompson : The mobile ID’s still work when the phone dies?

Melanie Chambless : Replying to “The mobile ID’s stil…”

For Apple devices, they will still work for several hours if the phone runs out of power.

Angeline Poling : Replying to “For the panelists (o…”

We were nearing the end of the 7 year lifecycle of the AD400s. Knowing that we needed to replace readers opened up the opportunity for mobile credentials.

Ashley Thompson : Replying to “The mobile ID’s stil…”

That’s good to know! Thank’s Melanie!

Angeline Poling : Replying to “The mobile ID’s stil…”

Five hours to be exact for iphones

Angeline Poling : Replying to “We require students …”

We also have an exception form for a physical card because we are moving to only allowing one or the other beginning next academic year.

Jennifer Carman : Replying to “We require students …”

@Jen McDonald – McMaster University

Jennifer Carman : How do panelists handle lost IDs or phones for students? (Left in room versus lost forever)

Melissa Neidigh – University of Montana : Replying to “How do panelists han…”

If a student loses their phone and needs a replacement phone they can come in and get a temp card in the meantime.

Melissa Neidigh – University of Montana : Replying to “How do panelists han…”

If a resident leaves their phone in their room, they can checkout a temp card from the Housing Office.

Melissa Battle : Replying to “How do panelists han…”

Cardholders can go online and freeze there credential. If they reach out to use, we will do it on their behalf. For phones that are replaced and not being able to provision a new mobile ID, we retire the card on the back end and the cardholder can add it to the wallet on their new device.

Kim Pfeffer [she|her] : Replying to “How do panelists han…”

Why aren’t they just directed to go back and get it?

Melanie Chambless : Replying to “How do panelists han…”

Same for us with the temp card for Housing or have their RA let them into the residence hall

Paul Schantz (he/him/his) | CSUN : SOME brass keys? LOL

Angeline Poling : Replying to “What kind of system …”

At Miami University we use CS Gold for everything as well.

Angeline Poling : Replying to “Do any of the paneli…”

We have readers on all dorms, roughly 4800 doors.

Jennifer Carman : Replying to “How do panelists han…”

@Kim Pfeffer [she|her] Their room has a reader.

Wes Hart : What credential do you use for temporary camps or conferences?

Melissa Battle : Replying to “What credential do y…”

Transact is working on a guest credentialing option.

Melissa Neidigh – University of Montana : Replying to “What credential do y…”

standard mag stripe cards

Melanie Chambless : Replying to “What credential do y…”

Camps and conferences still use physical cards for now
15:00:10 From Marlayne Dundovich : For those who use their cards as voter ID, how has that been managed?

 Jorrun Liston :

Angeline Poling : Replying to “What credential do y…”

Currently physical cards, DesFire EV cards. Working with CBORD to identify how we can use mobile credentials in the future.

Paul Schantz (he/him/his) | CSUN : Another super-informative event, thank you NACCU and all the panelists!

Francine Reynolds : Thanks, everyone!

Shannon Zapf : Thank you all!

Melissa Battle : I also want to mention that when you go mobile name updates and new pictures flow over seamlessly to a mobile ID.


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