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Card Office Digital Transformations

Card Office Digital Transformations

Jen McDonald outlines some of Georgian College’s recent digital transformations and the steps it took to achieve them. These include a semi-integration with city transit, digital government ID submission, and launch of the Touchnet OneCard VIP app.

Jen McDonald, Georgian College

Having joined the card industry as Georgian College’s ONEcard Officer in September of 2018, Jen has eagerly absorbed as many NACCU resources as she can get her hands on. In her short time she has often been a one-woman office and handles a wide assortment of tasks including social media and marketing, daily operations, project management, and expansion of services.

Visit to watch the videos presented during this event and to learn more about the Georgian College ONECard

As the only association that specializes in the campus identification and transaction industry serving the national and international campus card community, NACCU is dedicated to high quality educational programs, resources, services, and tools. The NACCU community offers its members networking, partnerships, leveraging technology, problem-solving, insight sharing, and professional development.

NACCU membership is open to all colleges, universities, secondary institutions and companies that are involved with the campus card market. Learn more and join the community at 


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