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Card Production - In Person? Online? Hybrid?

Card Production – Online only? In-Person? Hybrid?

Thursday, February 17, 2022
3:00 pm Eastern / 12:00 pm Pacific

Members of the Professional Development Committee closed their recent meeting with a robust discussion about how each campus was handling card production.  The views and processes were diverse and it was quickly decided this conversation should be moved to the NACCU membership.  Please join us to learn and share.

Discussion Questions:

  • How are you handling card production?  Online only?
  • Are you mailing cards and if so, what’s the budget impact?
  • Do you pre-print at the beginning of a term or wait until the cardholder arrives?
  • Are you allowing lines to form, making appointments or processing intake / pickup in other ways?
  • If your campus is mobile, do you still (have to) print cards?

Josh Bodnar, The Ohio State University
Brett Collins, Towson University
Nicole Kerns, University of Southern California
Sheryl Puckett, Arkansas State University
Meghan Rosenberg, Babson College

Jorrun Liston:  Thanks for joining us today.  We are recording this session and will post to naccuTV.

Shannon Zapf:  My wish is to go online only for photo submissions.  We distribute the cards at orientation.

Chloe David:  Those schools who mail out ID cards, how do you ensure the card reaches the actual person without verifying identity?

Bankim Patel:  We mailed card inactive, they have to contact us to activate it and later we have developed self activation link with SSO.

Katie Heacox:  We mark the card “lost” in the GET site/app, and have the cardholder mark the card “found” once they receive. That way they have to use their sign on to do so. And we check gov id in My Photo when we approve photos.

Jorrun Liston:  Welcome Nick from CalState Northridge!

Janet Rauhe:  Welcome Nick!

Amy Roemhildt:  We mailed all our on-line submission cards, they are not activated until the first day of class. They are ONLY mailed to their permanent address on file, with return service so if it comes back it comes to us. We also have a QR code sticker on the card so when they get it, they have to go in to accept the terms of use, and say they got their card. That helps eliminate “I didn’t get it” when they forgot it, and we can reach out to those who have not received it.

Nick Alexander – Records and Registration, Enrollment Services:  Thanks for the warm welcome! 😊

Bankim Patel:  We moved away from checking the government issued ID once we started using the self activation link. We check government issued ID now that we are on-campus. But, if someone forgets their government issued ID we still use the self activation link. Did not mail any cards to international students.

Robert Howard – KSU:  We allow for online submission for the first ID.  We have to collect the photo and signature (which I cannot get away from).  We verify the user using our SSO.  We do not mail any IDs, they must pick up their IDs from a designated site.  All replacements are done in person.

Bankim Patel:  And, at our current set-up We do not take any pictures in office. Only submit picture online. We are using MyPhoto.

Anne-Marie Grayson:  We have an issue that the mobile is not compatible with what athletics uses – they need a barcode. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

Robert Howard – KSU:  We several new employees that are 100% remote.  We are looking at possibly making and mail IDs for them, but do not understand the reason they would need one.

Chloe David:  we are asking that same question with online students and faculty/staff

Diane Harrison:  Robert, our remote employees, extension agents use it for travel (hotels) to get state discount rate

Shannon Zapf:  Our students don’t seem to have a problem with online photo submission; it’s our campus partners who seem to be afraid of committing fully to that.

Robert Howard – KSU:  Thanks, Diane.

Lisa Caddell:  We have not had issues with online submissions but it became quickly apparent after the fact that we needed to update our web pages to be mobile friendly to support this.

Betsy Preston:  Rensselaer does on line photo submission and we pre print to  distribute at the student check in process.

Robert Howard – KSU:  We require students be enrolled and allow the students to apply online ahead of time to allow for preprinting.  We hold them until 2 weeks before the semester starts.

Carl Painter:  Back when I worked at Florida State University, our banking partner SunTrust offered a plainer looking card at 18% interest, and a “Pretty” card at 19.8% interest.  Most students went for the 19.8% interest banking card.

Sheryl Puckett:  We do preprint for our NYIT Osteopathic program and they distribute.

Ramonia Prosise:  We preprint the online photo submissions and distribute on move-in day/week.  We have assistance from our Alumni.

Janet Rauhe:  Great idea Ramonia to have Alumni help with distribution.

Abe Cereno:  We hold the pre-printed card and not pick-up, assign a flag on the system. If the same student lost a card, we discount the replacement of the card.

Carl Painter:  If the student came in with a police report, we marked the cards as stolen / free, otherwise lost/charged.

Jorrun Liston   to   Sheryl Puckett(Direct Message):  Nicole’s doing a great job.  Thanks for being available.

Robert Howard – KSU:  During the pandemic, we did appointments.  Since the campus opened back up we do not require appointments.

Sheryl Puckett   to   Jorrun Liston(Direct Message):  Yes she is!!!  I hate to interrupt her, but she is grabbing the questions on chat

ccaldw36:  How many printers do to you use to assist 20 students per 30 minutes

Michael Leitao:  @Brown we don’t use appointments but we restrict only two “customers” in the office.  We have line space and floor markers in the hallway outside the office.

Robert Howard – KSU:  We have 2 Zebra ZXP series 7 printers, which keeps up with customer lines.

cgiles5:  What were the forms of communication that you used to update students on the changes? And which was the most useful form of communication?

Lisa Caddell:  Here at Dal we implemented QLess that has the ability to que or book appointments.

Bankim Patel:  For us the added wait time I thought was due to the additional glass at our desk where we can’t here them and they can’t hear us.

Lynn Ernsting:  Ditto here – we need to improve the support and communication to our graduate student population needs more support and

Lynn Ernsting:  communication during onboarding

Cedric Giles:  We used email and relied heavily on our orientation team to help inform incoming students on the new process.

Robert Howard – KSU:  We put a “To Do” list item in the students’ account for them to complete the ID application. 

Shannon Zapf:  Our card office emails the students, and Admissions sends out texts for us.

Linette Williams:  Un. of Kansas worked with Housing, admissions and orientation partners with emails and messaging.

Robert Howard – KSU:  The “To Do” list item does not put a hold on their accounts.

Robert Howard – KSU:  KSU also works with Housing and Admissions to inform the students.

Abe Cereno:  Great Idea!

Munny Malik:  For schools that are mobile, what kind of identification do professors check during exams. At our school, id card is used for exams in person and online exams (Lockdown browser) and I am wondering what kind of identification other schools use instead of idcard?

Amy Roemhildt:  Do you let students have both mobile AND a card? Do the cards open doors as well as their phone?

Wendy McCrory:  IDs are required for testing

Robert Howard – KSU:  It is common in our 100+ person lecture classes

Amy Surprenant:  This is Amy Surprenant from Vanderbilt University. We launched mobile credential (apple) in Sept of 2020 and launched android in Jan of 2021.. we issue a magstripe only card to the incoming freshman. They have to have the digital card. WE have admin web for online photo submission and make it mandatory. For the last 2 years we have given the cards to housing and they put the cards into the housing packet with their dorm key. Last fall we only had to issue 5 cards for the freshman that preferred the card instead of the mobile credential.

Amy Surprenant:  Our Undergraduate population can only have 1 credential.. Either plastic card or mobile… we have a trigger set in place for this..

Amy Surprenant:  I would speak, but I have to jump on another meeting.. feel free to reach out to me for questions at Vanderbilt.

Michael Leitao:  Do 100% remote schools have policies for equity issues?  Students who can’t afford a smart phone, etc.?

Lynn Ernsting:  We’ve been considering bracelets for our conference guests in the summer but have yet to implement

Sheryl Puckett:  We have been considering the wearables, but we have not gone that route yet.

Wendy McCrory:  how do you control me giving my wearable to someone to use the wellness center and I use my card? 2 credentials scare me

Abe Cereno:  In the long run having a bracelet type for gym can be costly. Yes, biometric facial recognition would be ideal.

Stacey Howell:  we want to use the wearables for our summer conference groups only

Robert Howard – KSU:  Why not add a barcode to the mobile credential?

Carl Painter:  at Nova (This was a while ago so may not be a problem now) the students fingerprints were not a problem to access the Gym, but some of the older professors finger prints just would not capture.

Jorrun Liston:  This chat will be posted along with the recording of this session.  Please feel free to add your comments here.  Thanks!

Stacey Howell:  that is correct they do not have a barcode on the mobile ID and we did a work around at UCCS using our UCCS app that houses the students barcode because our library and rec center still use barcode we are trying to move away from it

Sheryl Puckett:  This has been a great conversation.  Great job Nicole!!!

Ramonia Prosise:  Great dialogue.

Brett Collins:  Great Job Nicole

Carl Painter:  some libraries used a special magstripe reader that would read the 16 digit iso#, but output a 14 digit library# with the library’s bin etc… (To get around putting barcodes on the cards)

Deborah Cortell:  Great discussion. thanks everyone for this

Janet Rauhe:  Great discussion!  Thanks to everyone.

Cedric Giles:  🥰👍

Nancy Crosby – Mercer University:  😀

Sheryl Puckett:  Yes, this would be a great one to continue!

Crystal Caldwell:  👍

Susan E Richelson:  👍🏼

Munny Malik:  Thank you 🙂

Amy Slaughter:  😊

Betsy Preston:  Great discussion – thanks everyone!


Stacey Howell:  thank you this was wonderful

Robert Howard – KSU:  Yes

Nick Alexander – Records and Registration, Enrollment Services:  👍

CynDee Sentieri – UW-Whitewater:  Nice conversation, thank you….need more!

Diane Harrison:  thanks.  I would love to hear more about going mobile.

Deborah Cortell:  👍🏾

Abe Cereno:  Thank you all

Lisa Caddell:  Thanks Everyone, this was great!

Ed Gauhari:  🤪

Carl Painter:  Thanks for putting this together!!! It is always very helpful hearing what issues everyone has so better solutions can be put in place in the future.

Shannon Zapf:  Thanks, all!

Joe.French:  👍

Amy Roemhildt:  Would love to learn more and have more discussion on this! Went way too fast! Thank you!

As the only association that specializes in the campus identification and transaction industry serving the national and international campus card community, NACCU is dedicated to high quality educational programs, resources, services, and tools. The NACCU community offers its members networking, partnerships, leveraging technology, problem-solving, insight sharing, and professional development.

NACCU membership is open to all colleges, universities, secondary institutions and companies that are involved with the campus card market. Learn more and join the community at 


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