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Fired Up for a Mobile Only Student Experience, the Central Michigan University Story

Fired Up for a Mobile Only Student Experience, the Central Michigan University Story

Taking a collaborative approach with your business partner and campus community to have a seamless Mobile Only Student Experience.


Kimberly Rademacher, CASP
Director of Business Operations at Central Michigan University

Jason Wiedenhoeft
Account Executive, Transact Campus

Event Chat

John Ogle:
Thanks for joining us for today’s webinar! Feel free to submit your questions here.

Kim Pfeffer [she|her]:
What accommodations (if any) has CMU made for less privileged students who may not have access to a mobile device? While I understand a physical card is still available, a student using a card is a very visible “difference” from one using a mobile device.

Mario Martinez:
Have wellness integrations on the back of the card been implemented ? I know it talked about at 360.

Kevin Halligan:
is the mobile credential available to everyone eligible for a card or just students?

Loribeth Hettinger:
Can you please explain what you did to solve for timeclocks again?

Jennifer McNeill (UAlberta):
I am trying to estimate the expected mobile credential uptake in year 1 for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students. Do you have any stats on this from existing mobile campuses? (assuming 1st year students would be +90%)

Angela Edge:
Do visitors on campus have access to mobile credentials too

Kevin Halligan:
Have there been many users that provision a mobile credential and then wish to go back to using a plastic card instead? is the revert back to plastic a seamless process??

Angela Edge:
how to handle contractors that may visit your campus and may need access to building using mobile credentials or do you just issue ID Cards

Loribeth Hettinger:
Did you receive any centralized funding for this effort? Do you receive any technology fees from students?

Kevin Halligan:
Did you have any push back from faculty that like to have the physical card displayed during exams?

Kevin Halligan:
Thank you!

Jennifer McNeill (UAlberta):
Thanks Kim and Jason

Hope Gilson:
Thanks Kim, Jason, and John! This was great!

Jorrun Liston:

Jorrun Liston:
Thanks everyone!

Melinda Bakken:

Joseph Rintone:
Thank you!

As the only association that specializes in the campus identification and transaction industry serving the national and international campus card community, NACCU is dedicated to high quality educational programs, resources, services, and tools. The NACCU community offers its members networking, partnerships, leveraging technology, problem-solving, insight sharing, and professional development.

NACCU membership is open to all colleges, universities, secondary institutions and companies that are involved with the campus card market. Learn more and join the community at 


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