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Instant ID: Tips & Tricks

Instant ID: Tips & Tricks

Have you been using IDWorks 6.5 and are anxious about making the jump to TruCredential / Instant ID? Come and learn some tips and tricks from schools that have already made the jump and can help you to plan for a smooth transition.

Discussion questions:

  • Do you have a plan for your transition off of IDWorks?
  • Have you taken an inventory of what projects you have in IDWorks today?
  • Are you open to condensing / consolidating as a part of the transition?

Feedback from conference attendees:

Very informative session and had a lot of great tips and tricks!
So much specific and helpful information.
It was informative and I appreciated the examples used to demonstrate what the software looks like.
This session was packed with information.  I loved it.


Josh Bodnar The Ohio State University
Sheryl Puckett Arkansas State University

Jorrun Liston to Everyone: Welcome everyone!  We are recording this presentation and will post it on naccuTV.

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: I’ve found renaming the fields within the Production workflow to be the same name as the field in the DB works pretty well to clear up the connections in the Field Connector screen. This way it becomes a 1-1 match for ease of connecting (no guessing), and it becomes much more readable with the connecting lines.

I also prefix fields that are not within the DB with Zs. so they go to the bottom of the connector list.

Michelle Dietz to Everyone: If you hover the mouse over the word stopped on the small print cue the details of why will pop up.

Manisha Mishra to Everyone: Have you tried bulk printing?

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: Josh, do you use Transact as well? We have found the pull from pool cannot keep up with the batch printing.

Meghan Rosenberg to Everyone: we have been having an issue with our cards not being grabbed right away when printing and it is affecting our bulk printing, have you experienced this as well?

Manisha Mishra to Everyone: Do you batch print with prox number?

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: Wonderful! Thank you!

Brady Kottkamp to Everyone: Question about Batch for the Q&A later. Do you have a work around for the cards not printing in Alpha order?

April Lattanzi to Everyone: Any know issues with Transact Management Online Photo Submissions?

Michelle Dietz to Everyone: We manually assign and ID number for contractors connected to an Access file.  It keeps giving us an untrue error when we try to enroll a new contractor.  Did anyone have this problem?

Jorrun Liston to Everyone: Logging & Auditing Your Card Production Environment is scheduled for November 17th.  Register at

Dawn Thomas, CAE to Everyone: Reminder – We are recording this presentation and will post it on naccuTV so you can reference it later.

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: Another recommendation for best practices, is backup your IID DB nightly. We have had our DB corrupted on multiple occasions and it was a life-saver to have those backups. This was not an out-of-the-box setup, at least for us.

Kelly Hemling to Everyone: At what point are your cropping your photos?

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: We use OPS. We have had no issue with OPS working with IID (as long as we use an advanced search with a batch code).

Michelle Dietz to Everyone: We have some error issues with photos in the Transact system.

April Lattanzi to Everyone: So you have an option to take pictures and use Online Photos Submission?

Jay Treft to Everyone: For those who only provision a mobile credential and submit an online photo, when cropping the photo in Instant ID has anyone encountered technical issues with this (changing the file name and photo not importing into Instant ID)?

Jim Johnson to Everyone: Considering there are some bugs with the DSLRs, we have a Canon T3, do you think we should upgrade our camera? Or is the issue with all DSLRs regardless of how old it is?

April Lattanzi to Everyone: We print an Identification card for UPD with height, weight, signature, photo and other information.  It is currently done in Photoshop then imported to ID Works.  Could this be easily setup for fill in the blank in Instant ID?

Manisha Mishra to Everyone: Can you batch print cards with prox numbers?

April Lattanzi to Everyone: Thank you

Michelle Dietz to Everyone: do you batch print off of a spreadsheet?

Manisha Mishra to Everyone: Thank you

Meghan Rosenberg to Everyone: We have the prox reader and are able to batch print and capture the prox ID – we are a CBORD school and use CCURE 9000

Jay Treft to Everyone: OK, thanks

Michelle Dietz to Everyone: Can you repeat that?

Michelle Dietz to Everyone: other question on Mobile?

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: Do you use an SD460? We have had major issues with this in the past. We found using a rubber renew on the roller, and adding a weight to the top of the cards to help.

Brady Kottkamp to Everyone: Sounds like you need to update the firmware

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: We have 10 SD460s, and this has happened to all of them.

Marion Standaert to Everyone: We are a CBORD school running CS Gold and switched to IID last Nov. We are still having issues with cards erroring out. We are printing on CD 800’s and both Entrust & CBORD seem to be at a loss.  Anyone else with that problem? We can’t batch print because of these errors.

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: Hey Marion, happy to try and offer my assistance. Can you share the error message? Have you looked in the IID logs on the server?

Jeff Vonderschmidt to Everyone: We make extensive use of ID Works associations. Depending on the data in a field, different information is printed.  Example, based on the campus identified in a specific database field, a different mascot is printed on the card.  Does Instant ID support that functionality?

April Lattanzi to Everyone: Is anyone using Zebra Series 7 printers?

Brady Kottkamp to Everyone: A lot of pick issues on sd460s happen because the cards static cling together. We solved this with a humidifier and hardly ever have them not pick since.

April Lattanzi to Everyone: Trouble encoding mag stripe or chip?

Jay Treft to Everyone: Hi Sheryl, being another mobile credential school, do you still print physical ID cards out of Instant ID for all students as well?  Do you ever plan to discontinue printing physical ID cards?

Michelle Dietz to Everyone: Thanks so much!

Kathleen Cooke to Everyone: Thank you!

Sandra Harrold Foster to Everyone: Thanks for sharing!

Meghan Rosenberg to Everyone: Thank you!

Sheryl Puckett to Everyone: Thank you all!!!  Have a great day!

Mitch ONeill-UN.Kearney to Everyone: Thank you for presenting!  Good information!

Jim Johnson to Everyone: Thank you all!

Jay Treft to Everyone: Thank you! Good information!

Mike Ferguson to Everyone: thank you for your time and insight.  much appreciated

Todd Marquis (he/him) to Everyone: Thanks Sheryl and Josh! Extremely informative!

Jeff Vonderschmidt to Everyone: Thanks!

Jorrun Liston to Everyone: Special thanks to our guest speakers Sheryl Puckett from Arkansas State University and Josh Bodnar from The Ohio State University and to everyone who attended today!

As the only association that specializes in the campus identification and transaction industry serving the national and international campus card community, NACCU is dedicated to high quality educational programs, resources, services, and tools. The NACCU community offers its members networking, partnerships, leveraging technology, problem-solving, insight sharing, and professional development.

NACCU membership is open to all colleges, universities, secondary institutions and companies that are involved with the campus card market. Learn more and join the community at 


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