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Roundtable Discussion: Online Photo Submission Processes

Online Photo Submission Processes

Looking to increase or refine photo upload processes and student participation rates at your college or university? Are you needing to make adjustments for this fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Learn what processes are working best for several schools who have already implemented online photo submission. Discover how these schools have increased uptake rates and implemented incentives for students to complete the process before arriving on campus. 

  • At what point in the enrollment path is a photo required and how does that impact the process?
  • What communication methods have been effective?
  • Which departments are involved?
  • How has the process been altered due to COVID-19?

Scott Brannan, Temple University
Stephen Courchane, University of Minnesota
Jennifer Hill, Johns Hopkins University
Richard Tamborelli, Rhode Island School of Design

Jorrun Liston:  Good morning and welcome!  We are recording this and will post on naccuTV. 

Christina Mosakowski:  Good Morning!

Dawn Thomas:  Good morning Christina!

Dawn Thomas:  And good morning everyone!

Dianna Corriero – Loyola Marymount:  Are you having students living on campus this year?

Rebecca Estey:  URI is having residents this fall

Richard Tamborelli:  At RISD Yes..  De-densified, single rooms.. 

Dianna Corriero – Loyola Marymount:  How are you getting cards to students that are not living on campus or are doing strictly online learning?

Stephen Courchane:  UMN has students in res halls this fall

Rebecca Estey:  URI has been mailing Transfers and First years

Mike Leitao:  Brown will have students on campus but limited.  We are distributing cards through Residential Life.

Stephen Courchane:  Dianna – I’ll answer than for UMN when I present.

Lynn Ernsting:  SPU is having students live on campus. Those who are taking courses only online and are not living on campus are being asked to wait to get their card until they resume courses online or move in to on-campus housing.

Jennifer Hill:  JHU is online only for classes and only housing students who need it as an accommodation (ie: students rural areas with limited wifi at home)

Sheryl Puckett:  Arkansas State will have students on campus.  We are pushing for everyone to have their mobile credential setup.  We are not having as well of a response to that as we would like.  University Housing has been calling students that will be living on campus to assist in getting their mobile setup.  Those that we are having to print, are being distributed by University Housing.  We are not mailing any cards out.

Wendy McCrory:  haven’t we all!! Horses and donkeys!

Sheryl Puckett:  Scott, so you are still printing a card even though you have mobile credential.

Scott Brannan:  Our website is:  There is a link to the distribution schedule.

Lynn Ernsting:  Scott – that’s exactly the same response we give students

Sheryl Puckett:  thanks, Scott

Lynn Ernsting:  Do you allow everyone to upload photos, or just students?

Joe.French:  Would a Virtual or Mobile ID help with remote use of ID Cards

Christina Mosakowski:  At UNLV we are allowing staff, faculty and students to upload photos.  To pick up cards folks have to make an appointment or get in a virtual queue using QLess

Lynn Ernsting:  Thank you!

Mike Leitao:  At Brown we only allow students to upload pictures through self-serve Banner.  Our Card Office is currently open two days a week with limited hours for lost cards, new employees, etc.  We have social distance guidelines including fiberglass.  Only allowing one customer in the office at a time.

Abraham “Abe” Cereno:  We are offering pick-up on campus and mailing out our cards to our students. Our leadership feel that even though the situation and the pandemic are at high, they feel sense of belonging and connection to the student and university is significant to our new student. We developed our own in-house online photo upload web application. We mail-out the card with a label with info to activate like a bankcard, and media (mag and prox) inactive. Activation requires SSO and reCatcha. Activating the card will qualify them to sign up for MobileID. Our app does send an email confirmation emails that provides instructions and marketing of other services and departments.

Mike Leitao:  We definitely can fix that in the future, Richard, always good to have a relationship with RISD.

Joe.French:  Is anyone using, or planning to use tablets for in queue photo enrollment?

Lynn Ernsting:  We won’t be taking photos in person this year. There will be selfie stations on campus and students will need to go utilize one of those locations to take their photo and submit it themselves.

Rebecca Estey:  Richard!!

Rebecca Estey:  Can I talk?

Abraham “Abe” Cereno:  If you are providing in-person, what type of protection you have in place are your office or remote distribution? Goggles + mask, with hand sanitations available?

Scott Brannan:  We had to install plexiglass in front of our counter and we have tons of signage int eh building and in the suite about distancing, masks, etc.

Scott Brannan:  Also, in one door and out the back door which is usually only staff.

Stephen Courchane:  Masks are required for card staff and all customers.  We also have plexiglass installed.  Photo upload ensures that customers are in the office for no more than 60-120 seconds each.

Stephen Courchane:  Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building and in our office.

Sheri Pape:  Oh Becky!!! Godspeed and good luck…

Rebecca Estey:  Sheri!!!!! ARGGGGGG THANK YOU!!!

Sheryl Puckett:  Good information, have to run to another meeting!!!  Thanks everyone!!

Jorrun Liston:  Thanks Sheryl!

Abraham “Abe” Cereno:  Thank you.

Dianna Corriero – Loyola Marymount:  LMU has done the same-plexi sheets in front of cameras, 6ft dots on floors, facemasks. Same as Temple.

Scott Brannan:  thanks everyone!

Mike Leitao:  Thank you everyone

Richard Tamborelli:  Thank you all, stay safe….

Lynn Ernsting:  Thanks to all the presenters – your time and sharing of information is much appreciated!

Sheri Pape:  Great job everyone!

As the only association that specializes in the campus identification and transaction industry serving the national and international campus card community, NACCU is dedicated to high quality educational programs, resources, services, and tools. The NACCU community offers its members networking, partnerships, leveraging technology, problem-solving, insight sharing, and professional development.

NACCU membership is open to all colleges, universities, secondary institutions and companies that are involved with the campus card market. Learn more and join the community at 


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